Babak Taheri



Babak Taheri

PhD Student

c/o Casale 11
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Viale Pietro Gismondi s.n.c. - 00133 Rome - Italy





Babak Taheri obtained the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering at University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2013 with a thesis on: "Estimation of diffusion length spatially resolved in hybrid DSSC solar cells" (Supervisor: Prof. Aldo Di Carlo). He carried out his thesis in the laboratories of C.H.O.S.E. (Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy) in Rome, Italy.
He obtained PhD in Electronics Engineering at University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2018 with a thesis on Spray coating technique and new 2D materials to fabricate high efficient easily scalable perovskite solar cell
Currently he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at C.H.O.S.E. Labs.

Research Activity

The research activity of Babak Taheri is focused on Spray coating method for the scale up of all constituent layers of perovskite solar devices. Fabrication of full spray perovskite solar modules.
Flexible low temperature planar perovskite solar cells and modules
Interface engineering by using spray new 2D materials
His experimental research is also focused on the development and characterization of perovskite solar modules using Light Beam Induced Current technique.


1. Automated Scalable Spray Coating of SnO2 for the Fabrication of Low‐Temperature Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules.
Pubblicato in rivista Energy Technology (2020)

2. Graphene-engineered automated sprayed mesoscopic structure for perovskite device scaling-up.
Pubblicato in rivista 2D materials (2018)

3. Low dimensional material interface engineering of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite solar cell with record-breaking 20.12% efficiency: quantum and chemical plays with graphene and MoS2.
Pubblicato in rivista ACS Nano (2018)

4. Low temperature, solution-processed perovskite solar cells and modules with an aperture area efficiency of 11%.
Pubblicato in rivista Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2018)

5. Closing the Cell-to-Module Efficiency Gap: A Fully Laser Scribed Perovskite Minimodule with 16% Steady-State Aperture Area Efficiency.
Pubblicato in rivista IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2018)

6. Graphene–perovskite solar cells exceed 18% efficiency: a stability study.
Pubblicato in rivista ChemSusChem (22/09/2016)

7. Stability of dye-sensitized solar cell under reverse bias condition: Resonance Raman spectroscopy combined with spectrally resolved analysis by transmittance and efficiency mapping.
Pubblicato in rivista Vibrational Spectroscopy (29/08//2016)

8. Diffusion length mapping for dye-sensitized solar cells.
Pubblicato in rivista Energies (01/05/2016)

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