Lucio Cinà

foto Lucio Cina

Lucio Cinà

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Department of Electronic Engineering
C.H.O.S.E. - University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Rome - Italy

Tel & Fax: +39 06 7259 7939

Mobile: +39 329 72 14 867


Curriculum Vitae »



Lucio Cinà was born on June 6th 1984 in Rome, Italy. In 2009 he received the M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. From 2009 to 2012 he worked as Ph.D. student at the OLAB group of Prof. A. Di Carlo. The work was focused on the development of electro-optical characterization systems for  maximizing performance in electronic devices. He is currently post-doc researcher in the framework of SEQUEL project (MISE-ICE-CRUI) for the design of an advanced external quantum efficiency system for ibrid solar cells. His research interests concern the estimation of diffusion length in a spatially resolved manner, development of maximum power point tracker for partially shaded photovoltaic ibrid modules and photocurrent spectral analysis for the extraction of time resolved temperature profiles of high power heterostructure amplifier (HEMT).


Research Activity

His interests are focused on electronic systems design for photovoltaic applications.
He is currently working on the develoment of IPCE systems using virtual lock-in amplifier, IV curve tracer and feedback temperature control systems.


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