Girolamo Mincuzzi

 foto Girolamo Mincuzzi

Post Doc Researcher

Dept. Electronics Engineering
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma (Italy)

Tel: +39 0672597939



Physics graduated at Bari University he did his thesis work in monitoring of the low troposphere by Li.d.a.r. technique at physics department of Neaples University. Fellow at I.N.O.A.- C.N.R. of Pozzuoli (Na) in the framework of the project "Lacer" for the development of an high power ceramic laser, he also collaborate with the I.N.O.A. team for the study and characterization of DFG Gaussian Beams @ 3micron. Employed in the R&D group of Lasit s.p.a.-El.En. group in Vico Equense (Na) as laser designer, he did his PhD at Tor Vergata University in the C.H.O.S.E. group developing innovative, laser assisted fabrication processes for Dye Solar Cells (DSC) Manufacturing. Visiting Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (Aachen, Germany),  External consultant of the Industrial Consortium Dye Power, he is now post-doc researcher in the framework of the project "Sinead" (FP7, Mat-Era+ funding Scheme) for the sintering via laser of nc-TiO2 films over flexible substrates and Tenure Track of the C.H.O.S.E. group for flexible DSC devices development. He authored 10 scientific pubblications and 3 patents.

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