Maria Rosa Antognazza was born in Tradate (Va, Italy) in 1977. She studied physics at the University of Milan in Italy. She received the PhD in Physics at Politecnico of Milano in 2008. In the same year, she joined the Italian institute of Technology first as a post-doc, and since 2012 as a researcher. Her main research interests are in the field of organic electronics and bio-electronics, and concern the study of the chemical/physical/electrical phenomena occurring at the interface between conjugated polymers and living cells. Target of this activity is the realization and implementation of new devices for optical control of living systems.
She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles (H-index 15), attracting >500 citations, mainly in the fields of optical spectroscopy and organic bioelectronics. She currently leads a multidisciplinary research group, comprising expertise in materials science, physics, chemistry, biology and neuroscience, and she is responsible of the opto-cell facility at CNST@PoliMi. She is/has been the scientific coordinator of 1 European project and 2 National projects, and acted as the unit PI in several other national and European research initiatives. She supervised 8 PhD thesis and several Master degree thesis in Physics, Physical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science.
Light, polymers and water: a mine of new applications in biology and energy
F. Maya Vetencourt et al.
Nature Materials (2017)
C. Tortiglione, M.R. Antognazza, A. Tino, C. Bossio, V. Marchesano, A. Bauduin, M. Zangoli, S. Vaquero Morata, G. Lanzani
Science Advances, 3, e1601699 (2017)
E. Zucchetti, M. Zangoli, I. Bargigia, C. Bossio, F. Di Maria, C. D’Andrea, G. Barbarella, G. Lanzani, M. R. Antognazza
J. Mater. Chem. B (2016)
H. Comas Rojas, S. Bellani, F. Fumagalli, G. Tullii, S. Leonardi, M. T. Mayer, M. Schreier, M. Graetzel, G. Lanzani, F. Di Fonzo, M. R. Antognazza
En. Environm. Sci. (2016)
M.R. Antognazza, M. Di Paolo, D. Ghezzi, M. Mete, S. De Marco, J. F. Maya-Vetencourt, R. Maccarone, A. Desii, F. Di Fonzo, M. Bramini, A. Russo, L. Laudato, I. Donelli, M. Cilli, G. Freddi, G. Pertile, G. Lanzani, S. Bisti, F. Benfenati
Adv. Healthc. Mater. (2016)

Center for Nano Science and Technology @PoliMi
Milan, Italy